Mobile Fundraising: A New Necessity
The mobile era is here. So, the real question is: how could you not dedicate resources to mobile? Mobile fundraising provides the convenience and accessibility that is more important now than ever. Curate at least part of your fundraising experience specifically for mobile for maximum donor reach.
With attention constantly shifting from one screen to the next, it’s important to give supporters a quick and easy way to engage with your organization. The fewer barriers your donors have to donate, the higher engagement will be.
Take a look below at 3 key ways organizers can leverage mobile for in-person and online fundraisers.
1. Ensure accessibility for donors
Pro Tips:
- Keep descriptions concise.
- Include high definition pictures to help tell your story.
- Include a countdown timer to the end of the event and share leaderboard stats to show where you stand towards your goals.
- If you’re live streaming, choose a mobile-friendly one to embed on your page. Check out our favorite livestream platforms.

2. Keep supporters engaged
Grow excitement for your cause by keeping supporters engaged in your online fundraising campaign. This can be hard to do when you don’t have everyone’s undivided attention during an in-person event. Keeping attention and letting people engage anytime, any place is going to increase traction with supporters.
Here are our favorite ways to keep donors engaged online.
Send Swag
Engage donors early by sending a swag bag curated to the cause to registered attendees before the event. Include a fun, branded phone case and tell them how they can engage with you online.
Create a Hashtag
Come up with a fun hashtag related to your cause and share it with supporters. Social engagement is especially great for virtual a-thons and other team fundraising campaigns. Encourage supporters to share selfies and tag it with the campaign’s hashtag. Make a competition out of it to get max participation!
Offer Incentives for Viral Sharing
Offer supporters extra raffle entries or additional prizes for sharing your fundraising campaign online. Viral sharing is especially easy to do on mobile!
3. Text-to-give
Text-to-give is a simple and convenient way to direct supporters to your fundraising page. Use it at live events, and share the details on printed materials, such as posters, flyers, and direct mail postcards) to maximize exposure for your cause.
Here’s how it works:
1. Select a unique keyword for your fundraiser. The keyword should be related to the cause and easy to remember, like, “GIVE2021”. You could even have it match the hashtag you create.
2. Donors will text that keyword to our Eventgroove Fundraising phone number.
3. Donors will receive a text back with a mobile link to your fundraising campaign. They can make a donation, bid or purchase right from their phone in seconds.
Tip: If it’s an online auction, assign a new keyword to each auction item. Donors text the keyword of the item they want to bid on.
Have a real-time leaderboard to share auction updates and announce winners. People can tune in on the mobile device or home computer.

Things to consider for mobile fundraising
Your demographic– your supporters’ general demos will influence how much you leverage mobile and where. If it’s a much younger audience, consider incorporating Instagram Live, or another platform targeted towards a younger audience. Give multiple options to give to your cause to cover all the bases.
Keywords you use – keep hashtags and text-to-give keywords short and sweet. Make them catchy or a witty pun so it’s easy to remember and share with others.
How you spread the word – Is it a live in-person or virtual event? Is it a fundraiser that spans for days? Do you have time beforehand to market to your audience? Send postcard mailers as an invite, and use social media templates to get the word out. Make sure you hit it from all angles to get maximum response rates.
Start Fundraising Online Today
So, what are you waiting for? Start leveraging mobile for your virtual fundraiser today.